More Broken
Campaign Promises?
Read President Bush's 5-Point Plan to Build Conservation Partnerships.




House Farm Bill

On October 5, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2646, a Farm Bill proposal that many in the conservation, rural advocacy and family farm community called the Texas Tornado, because it was moving so fast and stands to do tremendous damage to rural America.

The following accounts describe the House actions during its deliberations of the Farm Bill:

The following links provide more information on H.R. 2646 and why so many groups opposed it:

Many conservation groups had hoped for the adoption of substantial improvements to H.R. 2646, in the form of an amendment offered by Representatives Boehert, Kind, Gilchrest and Dingell.

The Boehlert-Kind-Gilchrest-Dingell Amendment was narrowly defeated after House Agriculture Committee leaders mounted an all-out campaign of intimidation and misinformation, including threatening to withhold nutrition assistance money if the amendment passed. With the passage of the Texas Tornado Farm Bill, the battle for a new rural policy now moves to the Senate.

Stay tuned to and Rural Updates to learn the latest and find out what you can do to help!

Progress on the 2002 Farm Bill:


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